왓츠앱: +86 18790258813

이메일: info@hndeleno.com

접촉 |

카트 이동/

최신 Go 카트

용량: 1 people
Power: 6.5kw
크기:1 95*1.45*0.97m
Loading Weight: 145킬로그램
적용 시나리오:
시티 파크, 쇼핑몰, 슈퍼마켓, 유치원, leisure places, 운동장.


왓츠앱: +86 18790258813

이메일: info@hndeleno.com

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    답을 남겨주세요

    3 코멘트

    1. How much does it cost per kart?

    2. Please send me some details about electric adult go carts include prices of 10 pcs.

    3. How much per car? How long does it need to send and what’s the requirements?

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