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Wiadomości handlowe

Kryty plac zabaw Informacje zwrotne od amerykańskich klientów

Jest to 570 Kwadratowych kryty plac zabaw purchased by a customer from the U.S.A. He was very satisfied with our products and provided us with feedback pictures, he said that the indoor playground was overcrowded during the daytime after it was opened and it was very popular, and he plans to open another indoor playground in another city, and he hopes to cooperate with us again.

We have several professional designers who can custom-design any size of indoor playground according to your requirements. Nasze urządzenia są wykonane z niezawodnych materiałów i powlekane, aby zachować ich połysk i delikatne wykończenie dla doskonałych szczegółów. Tymczasem, Rozwiązania jednoetapowe, on-time delivery and 24-hour after-sales service make your kryty plac zabaw easy to get started.





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